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What’s It Like to Live in a Control4 Smart Home?

29 February 2024

Transform Everyday Living with Technology from Hi Solutions

Imagine waking up in Boca Raton to a gentle sunrise because your automated shades gradually lifted to welcome the day. In a Control4 smart home, this is just the beginning of a day filled with convenience and luxury tailored to your lifestyle. 

Keep reading to explore what the rest of your day would look like in an Autonomous Home designed by Hi Solutions.

FIND INSPIRATION: Artfully Crafted Spaces by the Hi Solutions Team

Good Morning

As you rise, your home is already at work, setting the perfect indoor temperature while the aroma of freshly brewed coffee wafts from the kitchen. Lights adjust to a warm, energizing glow, ensuring every corner is bathed in inviting light.

Control4 Streamlines Routines

Breakfast becomes an experience with your favorite tunes streaming through high-fidelity speakers, perfectly synchronized to your morning routine. With a simple voice command or a tap on your smartphone, every aspect of your Florida home responds—shades, lighting, temperature, and even your morning news briefing, all seamlessly integrated into your daily routine.

As the day unfolds, a Control4 system remains in tune with your activities. Whether you're working remotely with a bespoke office setup or catching up on a few shows in the home theater, your home is always at the ready. Screencast your work laptop to the big screen, get cozy, or read a book with natural sunlight—all with a few taps of a button.

Saying Goodnight with Control4

As the Florida sun dips below the horizon, your outdoor space transforms into a serene oasis. Landscape lighting and outdoor entertainment create an enchanting backdrop for relaxation or gatherings, extending the luxury of your smart home to the great outdoors.

Say Hi to the Autonomous Home Experience

Living in a Control4 smart home is all about creating a personalized sanctuary that adapts to and enhances every facet of your South Florida lifestyle. Technology meets luxury, comfort, and personalization, so every day becomes more enjoyable.

Contact Hi Solutions now to make your home smarter with Control4 automation and control.